Listright - The perfect solution for local business directories, real estate listings & more. listight使您能够建立一个现代的,用户友好的目录网站.
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The key to success is being able to download, unpack, and install your product quickly. 包装不良的模板需要花费大量的时间和精力来安装. That is why HTML quickstart templates are popular among beginners and skilled users. Designed to be responsive and cross-browser compatible, these items can be used by anyone. 不需要网站建设经验. HTML主题和模板涵盖了广泛的主题. 可以使用内置的页面构建器与内容交互,而无需编码. 强大的拖放功能使创建新页面变得很容易, 添加功能, 重新设计网页设计元素, duplicate, 重新排列元素. 你有兴趣吗?? 让我们看看产品包装里还有什么在等着你.




  • 动物及宠物;
  • 闹鬼、钓鱼、户外爱好;
  • 房屋、建筑及房地产;
  • 医药卫生;
  • 电子与维修;
  • 美容、化妆品、美发;
  • 创意机构;
  • 加密货币和金融;
  • 艺术文化;
  • 设计、摄影;
  • 资讯科技服务及电脑;
  • 游戏和电子竞技;
  • Web开发;
  • 书籍和教育;
  • 食品和餐厅;
  • 汽车和摩托车;
  • 物流运输;
  • 家和家人;
  • Betting;
  • 手工制作的产品;
  • Cleaning;
  • 时尚、礼品、鲜花、节日;
  • Travel;
  • 运动及户外活动;
  • 社会和人等.

The templates make a ready-made solution for those who require a quickly-build website. Purchasing them visibly furthers the workflow without specifying the website's quality. Designers, developers, marketers, and others who need several websites at once would find our 多用途 HTML quickstart templates useful. 您所需要做的就是选择正确的许可证.



  1. The personal license allows the creation of a single website with a full-featured design.
  2. Commercial license - allows you to create up to 5 projects using your HTML5 gallery template. 有可能转移和转售最终产品, 对于年轻的设计师和开发者来说,哪些是有利可图的.



  • Minimalist;
  • Material;
  • Artwork;
  • Grunge;
  • 平面设计;
  • Corporate;
  • Clean;
  • Mobile;
  • Geometric;
  • Vector;
  • Retro;
  • 纸做的,还有更多.

布局是完全可定制的. 你可以很容易地调整产品的设置,使其看起来不可模仿. 人们可以很容易地根据公司的风格或品牌标识来改变颜色.

主要特点 & 新潮的HTML模板的功能


  • 有效的、语义的HTML代码;
  • 快速启动包;
  • 响应式设计+视网膜就绪;
  • 搜索引擎优化;
  • 跨浏览器的兼容性
  • 舒适的拖放生成器与实时预览;
  • 博客和画廊风格;
  • 智能内容排序;
  • 社交媒体优化.

Next to the must-haves, here are some more trendy features for HTML templates with quickstart demos:

  • 滑块革命;
  • 用户注册和登录;
  • 下拉菜单;
  • 视差滚动;
  • 手风琴、旋转木马、同位素和网格;
  • MegaMenu;
  • 汉堡菜单;
  • Click-to-Top按钮;
  • CTAs;
  • 可下载的简历;
  • 客户感言;
  • 背景视频;
  • 关于之前进展的视觉效果,如已完成的项目;
  • 有吸引力的画廊;
  • 懒加载效果;
  • CSS动画.


Here are 10 amazing website template trends to follow for those who want to stay in vogue! 一切都很简单,可以使用HTML模板开箱即用. 请点击下面的视频了解更多关于现代网页设计的趋势.



是的,所有HTML网站的高级模板都是移动优化的. 你不需要手工做任何事情. 适合移动设备的HTML模板具有现成的特性.


templatemmonster画廊包含超过3700个 免费模板和主题 不付费下载. 该选择包含许多HTML项目和快速入门包. 虽然这些模板是免费的,但它们在包中包含了基本要素. 人们还可以找到一些具有时尚功能的免费产品. The main difference between free and premium products is that the last ones come with more unique designs and have a bigger list of features.


编辑过程不会有什么复杂的. All professional themes and templates with the quickstart package provide intuitive editing. It works on drag-and-drop technology and makes content building simple and available for anyone.


Yes, we can. Though the process is simple, you may ask out experts to customize templates for you.