Zemez Ajax搜索Magento扩展
Zemez AJAX Search will significantly change your conception about Live-search extensions for e-Commerce Websites. This extension will impress your site visitors with easy live search functions and...
Support: 4.1/5
Zemez MegaMenu Magento扩展
MegaMenu extension from Magento allows creating complex menus with the ability to create compound menus that will redirect the users to product pages, 分类页, 或任何其他外部URL...
Sales: 4
Support: 4.1/5
Blogging is a way to inform your audience about products. In a blog post, you can show how to use a product and why people should buy it. 博客扩展Magento 2的功能范围很广...
Support: 4.1/5
Zemez Featured Products Extension is developed to mark some particular products as featured and display them on the Home Page of your store. This extension is aimed to attract more attention to the...
Support: 4.1/5
The ultimately advanced Google Map extension for Magento allows showing your store location on a visually appealing Google Map with a new look, 位置信息标记, 以及基于位置的建筑...
Support: 4.1/5


不要迷失在电子商务解决方案的迷宫中! Magento navigation extensions make it simpler than ever for customers to find what they're looking for, 无论是浏览易于使用的菜单, 按属性排序, 甚至搜索特定的产品. Visitors will be able to quickly find what they're looking for with easy-to-use navigation tools, rather than complicated menus and confusing categories. Stop losing customers, prepare for an improved shopping experience, and grow your business today!


网站导航 是任何网站最关键的方面之一吗. This is what helps visitors find what they are looking for and helps them navigate around your site. 但是因为有太多的网络资源, it can be challenging to keep up with the competition and give users a smooth experience. The following limitations apply to the use of Magento's standard features:

  • 它一次只允许一个过滤器.
  • Administrators cannot modify the filter to include other parameters.
  • 它与星级评定系统不兼容.
  • 没有特定价格点的过滤选项.
  • 过滤结果可能需要一段时间来加载.

This is where navigation-oriented插件 come in! These useful tools will expand your site's search capabilities and enhance its multi-tiered structure. So, your online business could make the shopping experience better and increase sales.


These tools are helpful for any business that relies on sales and wants to improve the e-commerce experience for customers. 无论你是在线零售商, a marketplace, 或者联属网站, these add-ons help make a website easier to navigate and more user-friendly. From filtering to searching, these add-ons give you a lot of useful features.

In short, anyone, 从小型企业到大型企业, who wants their website to be easy and fun for customers should think about these assets.

Building an E-commerce Site with the Best Search Capabilities

当有很多插件可供选择时, it can be hard to choose the most suitable ones for your needs. However, it will be easier to find what you want if you follow the criteria list:

  • Performance: The right modules should enhance the functionality of your site in some way. For your eCommerce business to be successful, you need extensions that offer useful features such as megamenus, wishlists, 特色项目, Ajax search, blogs, and Google Maps. 您需要整个包裹还是只需要几件物品?
  • Customer opinion: This is a handy way to see module strengths and weaknesses. Templateog体育首页 puts consumer feedback right on the product pages.
  • Vendor's rating: It is imperative to evaluate vendors' experience. Do not hesitate to ask them questions about a particular product.
  • Support: Since installing an add-on requires changing Magento's backend, 您可能会遇到技术上的困难. Additionally, you may want to further customize the plugin to take full advantage of the CMS's open-source nature, in which case, 欢迎提供援助. Technical support is available for all premium add-ons. If you are considering freebies, be aware that you will need to solve all the issues yourself.



在这些工具的帮助下, businesses can easily create customized menus and site structures that meet their specific needs. This will make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for on the website. As a result, it'll lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.


You can change the menu, add product filters, and make it easier to look through your store. Are you looking for an easy way to organize your products? Or do you need advanced features like search auto-suggestions? In any case, the current extensions improve the shopping experience overall.


While freebies can be a cost-effective option for those on a budget, paid options often come with more features and customization options. Hence, 如果你想最大限度地利用你的Magento商店, 这可能是值得投资的付费扩展.


It is easy to get started with Templateog体育首页 plugins because the documentation comes with the archive. However, if you want more detailed instructions on how to use these modules, there are 大量的Magento教程 网上.