
商务PowerPoint模板 by denscreativestd

介绍Marumer -商务PowerPoint模板这个演示模板可以用于任何不同的目的, such as: Creative Agency, Company Profile, Corporate and Business,...
Sales: 37
天才创意商业ppt模板 SALE
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简历- ppt演示模板
简历- ppt演示模板是一个现代和干净的产品,可以帮助您创建专业, editable, 以及具有视觉吸引力的简历和简历.
Sales: 9

业务转型PowerPoint模板 by SuperSonic_Studio

Creative, Minimal, modern and Metropolis Presentation Template. Fully customization & 超级容易使用,以适应任何类型的商业用途. 它非常适合你的商务演示.
Sales: 1
空间工作室商业PowerPoint模板平面, Clean, Minimalist, 优雅和灵活的演示模板.Designed to match professional business scope with various infographics topics you can...
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文件包括- PowerPoint .PPTX文件-文档FileNote:演示中的所有图像仅用于预览目的,并没有实际包含在文件中
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文件包括- PowerPoint .PPTX文件-文档FileNote:演示中的所有图像仅用于预览目的,并没有实际包含在文件中
Sales: 6
尝试这个基于成功示例的有用且全面的商业计划演示模板. Calm color schemes will allow your client to focus on your data and final analysis.
Pitch Deck & 商务演示ppt模板
The PowerDeck Presentation Template is suitable for your company profile, a pitch deck, 商业计划和概述. Whether you’re making a bid to an important new client or a business portfolio
Sales: 2
Introducing Cloris – Creative Business Powerpoint Template Hello! We produce high-quality professional templates that are unique in creativity.我们专注于设计现代,实用和...
目标表示模板, 我们主要关注的是企业主, startups, 无论是大公司还是小公司. Whether you’re making a bid to an important new client or a business portfolio
Introducing Claris – Creative Powerpoint Template TemplateHello! We produce high-quality professional templates that are unique in creativity.我们专注于设计现代,实用和...

Jeramis商务ppt模板 by CreativeStudio

介绍Jeramis -简单的商务PowerPoint模板这个演示模板可以用于任何不同的目的, such as: Creative Agency, Company Profile, Corporate and Business,...
介绍决明子-商务Powerpoint模板此演示模板可用于任何不同的目的, such as: Creative Agency, Company Profile, Corporate and Business,...

商务ppt模板 by HolographStudio

主要文件包括5个ppt文件. PPTX Files (Wide Screen)* 5 PowerPoint files Color Schemes* Readme First (Font & Photo Information)
Sales: 1


Are you going to be presenting your research findings in front of a group of people? Or do you want to make a good impression on your potential employer? In any case, you need a professional and polished representation of your services. There are many other reasons to create an impressive presentation, and one of the fastest ways to make it is by using business school PowerPoint templates. Pre-made PPT themes require much less effort in creating breathtaking slideshows. At the same time, 他们帮助用户学习如何更有效地使用ppt,为他们未来的职业生涯做好准备.

How to Use Business Courses PowerPoint Presentation Templates

商学院的ppt主题是让你的表现更专业、吸引观众注意力的好方法. 您可以将它们用于许多不同的目的,例如演示文稿、报告、信息图表等. There are indeed many free templates online that you can use for your slideshow. But if you want to have a professional-looking presentation, it's important to invest in quality templates tailored for your industry. 高级模板可以轻松创建具有专业外观的幻灯片,而无需任何设计技能或先前的经验.


  • business schools
  • 财务管理学院
  • 在线商务大师班
  • business coaches

Equally important, the layouts are customizable so that you can personalize them for your specific needs. For example, you can add or remove slides and change color to suit your preferences.


用这些贸易学校的PPT主题, you can focus on the content of your presentation instead of spending time formatting it. They allow you to customize every slide aspect, from fonts to colors to images.


  • 您需要的所有组件都在您的指尖, 从漂亮的图表到设备模型.
  • 从多种配色方案中选择浅色或深色背景或其他配色方案,如粉彩, vintage, etc. There are various combinations of fonts to choose from as well.
  • Easily edit content with minimal skill and effort by resizing, rotating, 或者缩放你的设计元素. Plus, you can resize the graphic to any dimension without affecting the image quality.
  • 布局是完全可编辑和自定义的, 因此,你可以创建一个完美的幻灯片,以一种引人入胜的方式表达你的学习要点.
  • 使用拖放功能, it will be effortless to place slide elements in the designated placeholders.
  • 宽屏16:9的宽高比适合任何演示,也可以包括各种格式,如16:10, 4:3, and A4.
  • 一个循序渐进的指南与屏幕截图和完整的“如何做”的说明将教你如何工作幻灯片像一个专业人士.

Tips to Create a Successful Business Courses PowerPoint Presentation

A successful PowerPoint presentation balances text, visuals, and graphics. We have some tips to help you create a successful PowerPoint presentation:

  • 使用引人入胜的引言来介绍你的主题,并为接下来的演讲定下基调. First, state your purpose. Show some background into how and why you became interested in the topic, 或者提供一个与主题相关的个人故事. 其次,介绍你演讲的要点:你的问题是什么,你想传达什么. 如果你提到这一点会有所帮助,因为这将是你的听众想要了解的基础.
  • 使用视觉效果来支持你的信息,用图像或动画来分割长块的文本. 有许多可视化数据的技术. For example, infographics can creatively help display information. It is also recommended not to ignore maps, diagrams, and charts.
  • 使用一致性来反映你的设计,让你的演讲从头到尾看起来都很精致. Use the same theme throughout your slides, design, and text. 这会让听众感到轻松并信任你. Most importantly, 仔细考虑演示文稿的布局,以帮助保持内容和设计的一致性.
  • Keep it short and sweet. 如果你不能在不到20张幻灯片中表达出来,你需要重新考虑你想要传达的内容.

综上所述,这些技巧只是创建有效演示文稿的众多技巧中的一小部分. Always remember to be yourself and follow your passion in what you present!


How are paid business school PowerPoint templates better than freebies?

The paid, 专业设计的ppt布局优于免费产品,因为它们附带客户支持. The MBA PPT templates are created with utmost professionalism and quality, so you can be sure that you will get high-quality work on any project. Meanwhile, free assets are only for educational purposes.

Can I use the same business school PowerPoint template for multiple projects?

如果您计划在多个项目中使用管理学院PowerPoint主题,则需要购买扩展的商业许可证. Meanwhile, the personal license is for one non-profit end product only. It does not allow you to use a template for other projects, including commercial ones.


好消息是,大多数商学院的PPTX主题都兼容Mac和Windows, so there is no need to purchase a new set when you switch platforms.

Are demo images included in business school PowerPoint templates?

In general, PowerPoint工具包不附带演示图像, as Templateog体育首页 policy does not permit to include them. However, you can download the pictures through the author's link in the documentation.

Best Typography Trends for Business School PowerPoint Templates

Looking for a way to style your Business School presentations? Check the latest typography trends to apply in your Powerpoint projects. 这些字体非常适合商学院, 财务管理学院, 在线商务大师班.